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Stephen and his wife Chelsea have been married for two years and are dog parents to Blu. Stephen spends his days as a Natural Gas Pipeline Operator at Kinder Morgan. He started Crossfit in 2015 and fell in love with the the way the camaraderie and functional fitness realm, as his history of playing sports did. He has been hooked ever since accomplishing his very first Murph Challenge. He enjoys coaching at BLCF because he likes creating a fun atmosphere at the box, while being able to motivate and assist people reach goals that they set for themselves. Stephens favorite workout is Grace because it is the perfect workout to test your mental and physical capacity in such a short amount of time. “Goals” are what motivate Stephen; he likes to set personal goals for himself and work hard everyday to accomplish them. There is nothing like a new PR!
Are you ready to transform your life? We're ready to guide you on the path to fitness success. Book a free intro today to get started at the most effective, friendly fitness center in Cypress, TX!
16698 House & Hahl Road, Cypress, Texas 77433, United States