Martin lives in Bridgeland with his wife and their 5 children. His regular 9-5 is working as a designer in the Oil and Gas Industry. Sports and fitness have always been a part of Martin’s life; beginning with youth sports ultimately continuing with football and track through High School. Guided by his father’s love for Bodybuilding, he grew up in the gym working out with him. Martin’s athleticism contributed to his success in the Marines where he served as a Rescue Swimmer and as a Marine Raider. He was first introduced to CrossFit back in 2015 by one of his Marine Brothers. To Martin; CrossFit was exactly what he wanted and needed, the structure, camaraderie, competition and the positive effect it has had on his mental health. He quickly earned his CF L1 and started coaching. Since then, he has earned his PN L1 in nutrition coaching and a certificate to coach Powerlifting, along with other fitness certificates and continuing education. His love for coaching comes from watching his athletes and his children (all 5 do CrossFit) achieve things they never thought they could. Martin’s favorite movements are the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, all Squats and Handstand Push-Ups. His least favorite is running. In his spare time Martin loves to hunt and fish.
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16698 House & Hahl Road, Cypress, Texas 77433, United States