
Chris Wolff

About Chris Wolff

A black and white icon of a check mark in a circle.

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Day Job: Facilities Engineer for Oxy

Family info: Dog dad to two German shorthaired pointers.

How long have you done CF: since 2014

What motivates you: Teamwork and seeing athletes achieve more mobility and new PRs.

Favorite Benchmark Workouts: Fran, Grace, Isabel.

Least Favorite Benchmark Workouts: Karen, Annie.

Favorite Movements: F&B Squats, Heavy Cleans, C2B

Least Favorite Movements: Ab mat sit-ups (butt rash) and T2B

My athleticism is attributed to playing club soccer through grade school and for Texas Tech University. I’m only here to prolong the inevitable dog-dad bod.

Chris Wolff

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