Coming Soon
I began crossfitting Feb 2013 and I’ve been hooked since. Began my wellness/fitness and CrossFit journey in order to enjoy my grandchildren. Yes grandchildren , I have 6 Gboys and 1 Granddaughter/Princess. Been married for 32 years to my beautiful better half Velma and father to 3 absolutely beautiful daughters ( they all take after their moma) . I’m a huge family man and this is what I love about CrossFit/BLCF, the community the camaraderie. I’ve been coaching for 7 years and enjoy helping members begin their journey and accomplishing their goals. I thrive off that and I’m a huge cheerleader when it comes to that. I’m very vocal when it comes to them hitting a PR. I get very excited lol. Aside from coaching, I love to do all OLY lifts especially teaching/breaking down the movements so that members can perform them correct and safely. My favorite lifts are Overhead squat, snatch and clean & jerk. That’s my happy!
Are you ready to transform your life? We're ready to guide you on the path to fitness success. Book a free intro today to get started at the most effective, friendly fitness center in Cypress, TX!
16698 House & Hahl Road, Cypress, Texas 77433, United States